



General Terms and Conditions nn-movement Training and Nutrition

1. start of contract and term

The term of the booked package begins on the start date defined together with the customer and is concluded for the duration as specified in the contract. A subscription is renewed each time it expires and is valid without a new contract. The customer may terminate a subscription after its expiration. This must be done in writing.

2. early dissolution

The conclusion of a package is binding and no refund can be granted.

3. payment

The total amount is due in advance and can be paid in cash, by IBAN or credit card. This applies to both subscriptions and individual bookings.

4. rights of the customer

By concluding a package, the customer acquires the right for the agreed duration of the contract and the services to which he is entitled. Customers who are minors must obtain the consent of their legal guardians. A timestop of a subscription due to illness, accident or other longer absences (list not exhaustive) and the resulting inability to train is possible upon presentation of a confirmation / certificate, but there is no claim to it. The administrative fee is CHF 30.-/month, except for medical certificate and military service. The timestop begins with the notification and ends with the recovery of the training ability.

5. cancellations and absences, vacations

In case of prevention of a lesson (group or private) nn-movement must be informed at least 12 hours in advance by phone or Whatsapp. Otherwise the hour will be charged. In case of vacation on the part of the customer or nn-movement, the hour is cancelled.

6. transferability of benefits

The nn-movement Package is personal and cannot be transferred.

7. entitlement to benefits

The customer is not entitled to a price reduction or refund of part or all of the price in case of non-utilization of the services such as personal training or group training. The duration and validity of the package specified in the subscription is legally valid. If a lesson cannot be carried out for reasons of force majeure, neither the customer nor nn-movement is liable.

8. health certificate

The customer confirms with his signature or verbal statements that he is healthy and fit to perform the corresponding training. In case of doubt, the member must consult a doctor. The customer also confirms that he/she has truthfully informed nn-movement and the team about his/her state of health at all times. The training as well as the mediation of trainings is at the member's own risk and nn-movement disclaims any liability due to lack of fitness and health.

9. liability

For damages resulting from an accident, injury or illness for other reasons, any liability of nn-movement is excluded to the extent permitted by law. The customer confirms to have taken out an accident insurance.

10. severability clause

Should individual provisions of this contract become invalid in whole or in part or prove to be unenforceable, the invalidity of the remaining provisions of this contract shall remain unaffected. In this case, both parties agree to adapt the contract to the circumstances and to replace invalid provisions with other provisions that come closest economically to the meaning of the provisions in a legally effective manner.

nn-movement GmbH
Nina Notter
Kempfhofweg 14
8049 Zurich

Zurich, 2020